Saturday, May 16, 2015

Iran Liberty with Maryam Rajavi#: تبريك مبعث حضرت محمد (ص) خاتم الانبيا

تبريك مبعث حضرت محمد (ص

مبعث. حبيب خدا ،محمد مصطفي(ص) منادي رحمت ورهايي براي فرزند انسان درهر زمان وهر مكان را به همه آزاديخواهان بويژه به هموطنان عزيزم درايران وهركجاي جهان هستند تبريك وتهنيت عرض ميكنم اميدوارم با الهام از اين سرچشمه عشق ومعرفت ،دست دردست هم براي رهايي #ايران وپاك كردن برچسب ننگ آلود ولايت فقيه از نام مطهر اسلام وايران زمين ،هركجا هستيد دمي از تلاش ومبارزه وحمايت از مقاومت برحق مردم ايران بويژه حمايت از مريم رجوي كه مبلغ آرمان ازادي مردم #ايران است كوتاهي نكنيم

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Resistance in Kurdistan of #Iran response TheSuppression of enemy

Iran:Protests in Mahabad 

Greetings to the people of #Mahabad brave youth that today punish mercenaries #Vjladan Mlahha dictatorship once again show the world that the religious fascism ruling #Iran is to stand Tnhapaskh suppression of crimes resistance is resistance Vbaz، also salute Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect hailed the brave people of #Kurdistan Iran voices its strong support of the world brings them all

Maryam Rajavi hails brave people of Mahabad for their uprising, teaching good lesson to regime and its intelligence agents

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

#Iran Maryam Rajavi Islamic fundamentalism

#Maryam Rajavi at French Senate
Maryam Rajavi president elected of #NCRI in a conference at #French Senate declared that Iranian regime is not #West’s ally in fighting #ISIS, but instead of countering #ISIS, it tries to establish  its hegemony over #Iraq and #Syria and #Yemen, it oppress #Sunnis in these countries. She added that regime is behind and sponsor of Islamic extremism which is the root of #ISIS.  

  1. #Maryam Rajavi at French Senate said that Islamic fundamentalism and extremism which have dominated the region will ultimately end only with the demise of this regime. Meanwhile it is trying to obtain nuclear weapon to frighten the world and proves its hegemony and establish of its #fundamentalism

Friday, May 1, 2015

#Iran May Day and suppression of workers

#Iran Workers protests against dictatorship 
Best and deepest congratulations for #May Day, the day of the uprising, preserved and workers' struggles for their rights, the hero of dedicated workers
35  years of rule, a dictatorial religious fascism but exploitation, looting in Iran for the #Iranian people, especially the workers and hard-working display but  religious fascism ruling in Iran only wants to rob wages of employee and workers those who have always worked with the most violent forms of repression.
However, the voice of  Iranian workers will always be alive and heard. The only answer to dictatorship is resistance, resistance and resistance. 
Workers demonstrators gathered today in #Zanjan parts of #Iran. Workers demonstrators also gathered today in #Hashtgerd and #Kamyaran. located in #kordestan. #Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran #NCRI hailed the workers and said that it must defeat the clerical dictatorship ruling in #Iran.

#Iran, Maryam Rajavi, #ISIS, Islamic Fundamentalism

Maryam Rajavi 

As #Maryam Rajavi expressed in the testifying of #U.S.Congress #ISIS and Mullah’s regime ruling in Iran have the same root and the same specification. Everyone knows that this regime encourages Islamic extremist and is godfather of #ISIS . Therefore the only solution for crisis of #ISIS and terrorism is putting an end to religious fascist regime ruling in #Iran.